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Contact Us

Opening Hours:
Monday: 7AM–3PM
Tuesday: 7AM–3PM
Wednesday: 7AM–3PM
Thursday: 7AM–3PM
Friday: 7AM–3PM
Saturday: 7AM–3PM
Sunday: Closed

Address : Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan II Cikokol kota Tangerang
Phone :  021 55790 203 – 55790 201
Fax :  021 55790 201
Email :
Website :

Route the public transport to SMK Gema Gawita :
  1. R11 from the direction of Perum 1 & 2
  2. R14 from the direction of Perum 3 & 4
  3. R03 from the direction of Serpong
  4. B02 from the dir. of Ciledug & Cipondoh
  5. B01 from the direction of Kalideres
  6. B08 from the direction of Sangiang
  7. B09 from the dir. of Dadap & Batu Ceper
  8. R06 from the direction of Bonang


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